Sunday, May 27, 2007

The Beer Pick of the Week: May 27, 2007

From time to time, I will be doing a piece on this blog selecting a band each week (or whenever I have time to do so). I select an artist that I believe is the "Beer Pick of the Week".

This week's pick is Agriculture Club.

Agriculture Club is a group from Calgary, Alberta that mixes up country with hard rock. Their music is very reminiscent to just about any band that is on the Winnipeg based label Transistor 66, which Agriculture Club is a part of. Their music is reminiscent of The Perpetrators, but mixes in an odd Albertan country influence.

I'm not a fan of country music, but whenever I hear Agriculture Club, my rural roots are exposed and I get excited. The hard rock aspect of the music makes up for the country aspect that a person may not enjoy.

They have stereotypical rural/country themes to their music such as driving pickup trucks and watching old westerns on "The Horse Always Gets it First", or drinking the infamous pilsner beer in "Ballad of Pilsner Beer."

I can relate to the themes in these songs since I was born and raised, and still live in, a very rural region, the lyrics are easy to sing along to, and as much as I detest country music, they used a perfect amount of rock to make it enjoyable to almost any rock/country music fan.

When I think of the name Agriculture Club, I imagine a group of farmers meeting at the local town bar discussing the agri problem du jour while drinking an Old Style Pilsner or a Labatt Blue/Club.

Check this band out, especially if you're a fan of Corner Gas and want to have a greater sense of the prairie life. Maybe it's just the rural life in me that likes this band so much?

Official Website
New Music Canada profile
Myspace page

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