Thursday, June 18, 2009

Cody's song of the day - June 18, 2009

Today's pick I have for Song of the Day is Je veux dancer avec toi (I want to dance with you) by Les Prostiputes. Great rocky tune!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Les Dales Hawerchuk!

A year ago today, I saw Les Dales Hawerchuk perform a concert in Quartier Champlain in Quebec City. Les Dales Hawerchuk are a rock band from Quebec that got their name from the former hockey player, Winnipeg Jet Dale Hawerchuk.

I was amazed by the amount of energy this band had. I wasn't expecting much, but they delivered an evening of raw live music, that was amazing! They played their hit (title) track Les Dales Hawerchuk, as well as some nice slower songs like Papillon.

Check these boys out, I definitely will be again! I was even wearing a Jets t-shirt I bought here in Brandon, Manitoba, and lead singer Sylvain Seguin actually walked up to me on the street just to compliment it! Cool guy.

Cheers.. oh and GO JETS GO! With the whole NHL controversy going on right now, I wish the Jets would return to Winnipeg.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

10 Songs I'm Digging - April 29, 2009

I think I might do this every once in a while. This is a list of 10 songs that I dig "right now", at this very moment. Give me your top 10 you dig "right now"! I've also included links to the songs:

1) Hannah Georgas - The Beat Stuff
2) Malajube - Porte Disparu
3) The Two Koreas - Hotel Christina
4) The New Pornographers - Hey Snow White
5) Joel Plaskett - Through & Through & Through... Yeah I know some of you are sick of this song already, but I lovvvvvve this song
6) The United Steelworkers of Montreal - Son, Your Daddy was Bad... I loved this song live in Quebec and in Brandon, always great!
7) Howie Beck - Watch Out for the Fuzz
8) Julie Doiron - Consolation Prize... This song is kind of getting old, but it's still a great tune!
9) American Flamewhip - We Were Never Friends
10) The Dudes - Pretty Lies

Your turn.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Join our Flickr group!

Usually I tend to mainly discuss Canadian music on this blog, but something that goes really well with a great live Canadian act is a pint of Canadian beer. I have created a Flickr group that's all about the discussion of Canadian beer and the posting of various beers throughout Canada. If you are interested in beer, and have a Flickr account, join it today!